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Grouping tests

In some cases it can be helpful to group tests together so you can include or exclude a portion of the suite with a single condition. Similar to the describe and context features provided by unit testing frameworks, Vest provides group().


There are two ways to use group():

  • Named Groups group(name, callback) - creates a new group with the given name and runs the tests inside the callback. Named groups are added to the result object, and can be queried for errors and warnings.
  • Unnamed Groups group(callback) - Runs the tests inside the callback without creating a new group. This is useful for skipping tests, without changing the result object.

Named Groups​

import { create, test, group, enforce } from 'vest';

create('suite_name', data => {
group('group_name', () => {
test('field_name', 'error_message', () => {

Unnamed Groups​

import { create, test, group, enforce } from 'vest';

create('suite_name', data => {
group(() => {
test('field_name', 'error_message', () => {

Full Example

import { create, test, group, enforce, skip } from 'vest';

create(data => {
test('userName', "Can't be empty", () => {
test('password', "Can't be empty", () => {

group('signIn', () => {
skip(!data.userExists); // Skips the signin group if userExists is false
'User not found. Please check if you typed it correctly.',

group('signUp', () => {
skip(!!data.userExists); // Skips the signup group if userExists is true

test('email', 'Email already registered', isEmailRegistered(;

test('age', 'You must be at least 18 years old to join', () => {

Use cases​

1. Multi-stage form​

You may have in your application a multi-screen form in which you want to validate each screen individually but submit it all at once.

// suite.js
import { create, test, group, enforce, only } from 'vest';

const suite = create((data, currentTab) => {;

group('overview_tab', () => {
test('productTitle', 'Must be at least 5 chars.', () => {

test('productDescription', "Can't be longer than 2500 chars.", () => {

test('productTags', 'Please provide up to 5 tags', () => {

group('pricing_tab', () => {
test('price', '5$ or more.', () => {

test('productExtras', "Can't be empty.", () => {

export default suite;
// myFeature.js

suite(data, 'overview_tab'); // will only validate 'overview_tab' group
suite(data, 'pricing_tab'); // will only validate 'pricing_tab' group

2. Skipping only some of the tests of a given field​

If we want to conditionally skip a portion of our suite, we can use skip() within a group.

import { create, test, group, enforce, skip } from 'vest';

const suite = create(data => {
// We want to always run this test, even if we skip the promo_code qauntity test
test('quantity', `Quantity on this item is limited to ${data.limit}`, () => {

group('promo_code', () => {
skip(!data.usedPromo); // Skips the group if usedPromo is false

'promo code purchases are limited to one item only',
() => {

'Promo code can only be used once',

Querying the result object for groups​

Named Groups represent a portion of your validation suite, so when using group, you are likely to need to get the group-specific validation results. Your result object exposes the following methods:

  • hasErrorsByGroup(groupName, /*optional:*/ fieldName)
  • hasWarningsByGroup(groupName, /*optional:*/ fieldName)
  • hasErrorsByGroup(groupName, /*optional:*/ fieldName)
  • hasWarningsByGroup(groupName, /*optional:*/ fieldName)
  • isValidByGroup(groupName, /*optional:*/ fieldName)

Read more about these methods in the result object.